Squarespace Fluid Engine : what does it mean for me?

Fluid Engine from Sqaurespace - Introducing Graphic

What does it mean for me?


21st July 2022: Squarespace has rolled out a new section/page building tool, for some Squarespace websites. They are calling it ‘Fluid Engine’. It is the default for new Squarespace 7.1 websites, and is optional on existing 7.1 sites.

Isoblue customers, please read our advice before upgrading here



  • Drag and drop blocks anywhere on the grid

  • Resize content simply by dragging corner handles

  • Select multiple blocks and move them as a group

  • Not all version of Squarespace

Key features

  • Layer overlapping blocks

  • Edit mobile layouts (which can now be multicolumn) independently from desktop layouts

  • Full-bleed, edge-to-edge content

  • Block background colors for text-heavy blocks (for legibility when layering blocks)

  • Images that can fill their container or retain their original dimensions

  • Vertical alignment controls

Short on time but want to know more - get in touch.
Or read on for more details…



Fluid Engine is the first major overhaul of the way Squarespace works in over 10 years, and it offers a new way of constructing sections based on a grid, with drag and drop, and introduces the notion of overlapping elements.

10 Years is a long time in the internet world and change was overdue. Fluid Engine is important, not just because of what it is now, but also because of what it will offer in the future.

In some ways it is a small step, but a step in a different direction, one that opens huge potential and keeps Squarespace in the race.


Isoblue and Fluid Engine

Isoblue have been working with the ‘Fluid Engine’ for a while, which has enabled us to be ready to help support clients through the change.

In the weeks to come we will present a number of videos and articles to help clients and Squarespace users get started with the new editor and understand the implications for existing websites.


Our view


  • Keeping Squarespace current and relevant

  • More flexible design opens new possibilities.

  • Adjustments for mobile layouts are simplified.

  • Opens doors to future features that will keep Squarespace in front.

  • No extra Squarespace fees


  • New Software can have bugs. There are benefits to waiting to let any bugs get ironed out before working on a live website.

  • Flexibility comes at a cost of speed of building.

  • It’s not for everyone!

  • Fluid engine is not available for all versions of Squarespace.

  • Upgrading existing 7.1 sites can break custom CSS Read more

  • 7.1 Upgrades can have unexpected result for mobiles versions. Read More


Is Fluid Engine for me?

Fluid Engine is not available for all Squarespace websites.
Find out below what will happed to your website.

  • Fluid Engine is NOT available for users of Squarespace with Verison 7.0 or before.

    There is no upgrade path from 7.0 to 7.1.

    Version 7 continues to be relevant and supported by Isoblue and by Squarespace.

  • Fluid Engine is switched on by default for new sections.

    Until 21st July users can opt-out and use the ‘Classic Editor’ by inserting sections that use Classic Editor.

    Sections created with the Classic Editor tool will remain editable in the classic tool, but new sections will be in Fluid Engine by default.

    So to be clear, new sections added will use Fluid Engine by default - but classic sections can still be added by scrolling to the bottom of the section type options.

    Please read this for advice about upgrading to Fluid Engine

  • New Squarespace websites created after 7/7/2022 will use the new Fluid Engine exclusively.

    There is no option to insert ‘Classic’ Sections and all sections will use Fluid Engine. Circle Memebrs can disable Fluid engine and/or add Classic Editor Sections

  • There is no option - Fluid Engine is the default editor. If you work with a Circle Member - they can disable Fluid Engine and/or add classic sections.

  • Here is a short video to help you identify which version you are using.

    See video below


Identify your Squarespace version


To read more about the launch announcement and to read so great FAQ’s See the Squarespace Website


Fluid Engine is a positive development. At Isoblue, we are excited to see Squarespace innovate. We will support Fluid Engine and offer design and development work in this environment, as well as supporting clients with older 7.0 and 7.1 Websites.

The key summary is that whilst things are changing, they do not render what you have obsolete! As with any aspect of your business, it’s prudent to be aware of developments and plan for the future and your website should be part of this.

For more information about Isoblue Squarespace services,

Chris Bampton

Chris is a business analyst, consultant and designer.  He loves solving problems and sharing his enthusiasm to help other businesses solve critical problems.


Layering Images and Text in Fluid Engine


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